Saturday 28 May 2016

5 Tips to Feeding your Dog Correctly

5 Tips to Feeding Your Dog

·         What should I feed to my dog?

Choose a high quality food as poor quality foods produce more waste, can cause digestive problems and often end up being more expensive (because to satisfy your dog you will need to feed him comparatively more). It is important to know your dog’s weight as well as the ideal weight of its specific breed. You can always consult with your veterinarian if you are not sure about the ideal weight for your dog. The next stage is to determine the dogs activity level, remember to factor in all variables (exercise level, age etc) and any additional calorie intake like treats. The starting amount of food can then be adjusted accordingly. After you have started feeding your dog an appropriate amount of food, weigh your dog at least once a month to determine if you are on the right track. If necessary, increase or decrease the amount of food slightly until the dog stays at his ideal weight. Most dogs are overfed and under-exercised so, if in doubt about how much to feed initially, feed a little less.

·         How can I stop my dog from rushing his food at meal times?

Dogs that gulp their food down too quickly tend to take in large amounts of air whilst eating which can cause stomach and digestive system upset. This can be avoided by placing a large object such a ball in the bowl to encourage him to take smaller bites, or there are some “slow-feeding bowls” available that have built-in obstructions within the bowl. If you have more than one pet, feed them separately to reduce competition for food.

·         How should I go about introducing a different food to my dog’s diet?

Your dog will need to be introduced to the new food gradually as the number and type of bacteria in the intestines, which assist in digestion, can be changed and their ability to digest the food may be affected. Because dogs can often be sensitive to changes in their diet, try and make any transition as smooth as possible. Start by mixing the new food with your usual brand, before gradually increasing the proportion over seven to ten days until your dog is only eating the new food. The amount of new food should be decreased if the dog shows any signs of vomiting, has soft stool, or appears constipated.

·         Is it ok to give dogs healthy table scraps?

It is always best to feed your dog treats that are specifically developed for dogs and to only use them to aid with training. However, you can feed leftovers providing they do not comprise more than 10% of your dog’s diet.
Although many owners do, it is not recommended to feed your dog scraps, as it's almost impossible to create a well-balanced diet from these. Never feed fatty scraps as these may cause your dog to gain weight. Uncooked vegetables are generally not a good idea either. These can cause stomach upsets as dogs are not well equipped to digest a lot of fibre. Raw meat can be infected with bacteria, and bones can damage teeth and cause obstructions in the gut. It is also not ideal to feed your dog cat food as, since it is designed for cats, it doesn't have the right balance of vitamins and minerals for dogs. Never feed dogs chocolate as it is toxic to them. Feeding table scraps can encourage your dog to beg during meal times and steal foods from the table, some of which could be hazardous to his health.

·         What foods should I avoid feeding my dog?

·         Chocolate contains theobromine which can cause increased heart rate, restlessness and vomiting. In large doses it may be fatal.
·         Grapes and raisins are toxic to dogs and can cause renal failure.
·         Onions may cause anaemia
·         Garlic is also part of the onion family. In large doses it may cause dermatitis and asthma. Some owners, however, use garlic tablets as a natural flea repellent. Always follow dosage instructions carefully.
·         Lactose, which is found in milk and dairy products, cannot be digested by dogs
·         Fruit can be high in sugar and can also be acidic. This will upset your dog's digestion and is best avoided.
·         Feeding potatoes is not recommended due to their high starch content, which is not easily digested by dogs and may cause problems.
·         Many common household and garden plants and flowers such as the Daffodil can also be toxic to dogs, causing anything from skin irritations to severe poisoning and death.

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