Wednesday 29 June 2016

French Bulldog

French Bulldog

The French Bulldog has enjoyed a long history as a companion dog. Created in England to be a miniature Bulldog, he accompanied English lacemakers to France, where he acquired his Frenchie moniker. Besides being a companion, he once served as an excellent ratter, but today his job focuses on being a fabulous family friend and show dog. He’s a rare dog breed, so expect to put in some time on a waiting list before you’re able to bring one home.
Bat-eared but oddly beautiful, the French Bulldog has a unique appeal. Aesthetically, other breeds undeniably are more glamorous and showy, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder and what many behold in the French Bulldog are the attributes that make this breed one of the best companion dogs in the world today.
The French Bulldog is small but substantial in build with a powerful muscular body. He sports a short easy-care coat to accompany his easygoing personality. The Frenchie likes to play, but he also enjoys spending his days relaxing on the sofa.

That love of play and relaxed attitude carry over into their training sessions. French Bulldogs are intelligent, and training them is easy as long as you make it seem like a game and keep it fun. They are free thinkers and are not an ideal breed for competing in obedience or agility although some have risen to the challenge. This freethinking approach can also lead to a stubborn nature, and if they decide to dig in their heels there is no budging them.
Frenchies are loving companions who thrive on human contact. If you want an outdoor dog who can be left alone for long periods, the Frenchie is not the breed for you. This is a dog who enjoys lavishing love on his human companions as much as he loves the same treatment in return. They generally get along well with everyone, including children. They can, however, be territorial and possessive of their people, especially in the presence of other dogs. Socialization is a must for this breed, but with their easy companionship this is an enjoyable task.

With a nature that is both humorous and mischievous, the French Bulldog needs to live with someone who is consistent, firm, and patient with all the antics and idiosyncrasies that make him both frustrating and delightful.
French Bulldogs make excellent watchdogs and will alert their people to approaching strangers, but it's not their style to bark without cause. They can be protective of their home and family and some will try to defend both with their life.

French Bulldogs do not need a lot of room and do very well in apartments or small dwellings. A couple of 15-minute walks per day should keep them from becoming overweight. Keep the Frenchie in cool, comfortable surroundings. He's susceptible to heat exhaustion and needs an air-conditioned environment. This is not a dog who can stay outside on a hot day.

French Bulldogs are wonderful companion dogs with a gentle nature. If you work at home, the Frenchie is happy to lie at your feet all day or follow you from room to room. People who love them describe them as mischievous goof balls and can't imagine life without them. They are a constant presence, and they'll love you with all the strength in their small bodies, proving time and again that beauty is on the inside.

◦French Bulldogs do not need a lot of exercise, but they do need daily walks to keep them at a healthy weight.
◦French Bulldogs do not handle heat very well and need to be monitored on hot days to ensure that they don't overexert themselves.
◦French Bulldogs can be easy to train, but they can also be stubborn. Be firm and patient when training this breed.
◦If you value cleanliness the French Bulldog may not be the dog for you, since he is prone to drooling, flatulence and some shedding. He can also be difficult to housetrain.
◦French Bulldogs can be a quiet breed and are not known as a breed that barks frequently although there are exceptions to every rule.
◦Because they don't tend to be excessive barkers, French Bulldogs make exceptional apartment dogs.
◦Although it is important to always supervise young children and dogs when they are together, the French Bulldog does very well with children.
◦French Bulldogs make wonderful watchdogs, but they can become territorial. They also like being the center of attention, which can lead to behavioral problems if they are overindulged.
◦French Bulldogs are companion dogs and thrive when they have human contact. They are not a breed that can be left alone for long periods or left outside to live.
◦To get a healthy dog, never buy a puppy from an irresponsible breeder, puppy mill, or pet store.

Adapts Well to Apartment Living
Good For Novice Owners
Tolerates Being Alone
Tolerates Cold Weather
Tolerates Hot Weather
Affectionate with Family
Friendly Toward Strangers
Amount Of Shedding
Prey Drive
Tendency To Bark Or Howl
Wanderlust Potential
Exercise Needs

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