Wednesday 15 June 2016

Toilet Time Training Tips

Toilet Time Training Tips

Training a new puppy to do its loo business in the right place can be a stressful and demanding excercise.

Patience is key to quick and successful potty training time - mixed with a big dose of consistency!!!

Here are a few tips for effective toilet training:

Regular mealtimes. Keep your puppy on a regular feeding schedule during toilet training. That means no snacking between meals! If it’s not mealtime, food shouldn’t be available to the dog.
Offer frequent loo opportunities. Give your pup plenty of opportunities to take care of business outside. Go outside first thing in the morning, and then every 30 to 60 minutes throughout the day. And also take your puppy outside after it wakes from a nap or finishes a meal.

Familiarity breeds comfort. Take your dog to the same spot outside each time. Your dog will recognize its scent and more readily do its business.

Stay out with your dog. When you take your dog outside for a potty break, stay with it until it has taken care of business, or until it becomes obvious that it doesn’t need to just yet. Don’t just turn the dog out in the yard by itself.

Praise success! When your doggie does its duty, praise it! Offer a treat, or something the dog really enjoys, like a walk
Have Realistic Expectations. Sometimes, as people, we forget that we are dealing with animals while we offer training, and expect the puppy to have a quick grasp of the concepts we want them to learn. Set realistic expecations and time frames and Remember to be Patient!!

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